Homily, Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ (November 24, 2024) - Dcn. Victor Salazar

Homily, Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ (November 24, 2024) - Dcn. Victor Salazar

Homily from the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, king of the Universe (November 24, 2024) by Dcn. Victor Salazar What is The Lighthouse? https://wearelighthouseliving.ca Join us for Sunday Mass at Saint Patrick Parish, Lucan or Holy Family Parish, London (part of the Lucan Northwest London Catholic Family of Parishes): Saint Patrick - Saturdays, 5:00pm; Sundays, 9:00am and 11:00am Holy Family - Saturdays, 5:00pm; Sundays, 8:30am, 11:00am, and 2:00pm https://wearelighthouse.ca