5 PROVEN Ways to Boost your Metabolism

5 PROVEN Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Know more about KD Kaiser coaching!   / kd.kaiser   Why is it important to rejuvenate your metabolism? The higher your metabolic rate is, the more calories you burn, which in turn, makes it easier to lose weight. People with slower metabolism will actually gain more fat from eating less foods. Has this happened to you? You have tried to restrict calories and instead of losing weight, you gained weight…even though on paper it seems like being in a deficit and eating less calories should make the scale go down? This is due to having a slow or sluggish metabolism So what affects your metabolism? Diet Exercise habits  Sleep Stress Daily habits I’m going to show you 5 proven ways to boost your metabolism so you can burn fat & lose weight and keep it off forever: 1. Diet - You do need to be in a caloric deficit in order to lose weight…but do not starve yourself. Instead of restricting calories, make sure sure your diet consists of well-balanced macronutrients so your body can build muscle and replace fat. 2. Exercise - As we age, we lose 5-6 lbs of muscle each decade starting in our late 20s. The only way to increase lean muscle mass is to lift weights. For every lb of lean muscle, your body burns an additional 14 calories per day. Whereas for every lb of fat, you only burn 2-3 calories. Therefore, people with more muscle burn more calories and lose more fat. 3. Sleep - Not getting enough sleep can disrupt your hormones, change the way you process sugar and decrease the # of calories you burn. Sleep affects two hormones leptin and ghrelin. Which control the feelings of fullness and hunger. Leptin sends a signal to your brain telling you that you’ve had enough to eat. Without sleep, your body does not send this signal to your brain. When you lack sleep you eat and crave more. 4. Stress - If you are doing everything right in the world of nutrition and exercise, but can't seem to lose weight, chances are you are under too much stress. Cortisol, your body’s leading stress hormone, is a leading factor in why we store belly fat and the rate at which we burn calories. High cortisol will decrease the speed of your metabolism. Managing your stress with things like daily mindset work such as meditation or breathwork, or taking a clarity walk for 30 minutes without your phone, or nightly baths can decrease stress. 5. NEAT - Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis -  If you sit for long hours every day at a desk for work and don't get up to move around, your metabolism will slow down leading to weight gain and other health issues. Options to increase your non exercise activity thermogenesis are to get up every hour and do stretching or take a walk around the building. Paired with this, parking further away from store entrances or taking stairs instead of the elevator will help boost metabolism.