Santee UMC Worship - Sunday, November 27, 2022 (First Sunday of Advent)

Santee UMC Worship - Sunday, November 27, 2022 (First Sunday of Advent)

Thank you for worshipping with us today! Order of Worship 0:00 - Welcome & Announcements 7:25 - Prelude 8:28 - Lighting the First Candle: Peace 13:09 - Opening Hymn - UMH 196 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus 14:55 - Passing the Peace 16:40 - Children’s Moment 20:40 - Hymn of Praise - UMH 206 I Want to Walk As a Child of the Light 23:17 - Scripture (John 14, vs. 18-27) 25:36 - Message (Almost Christmas: A New King of Peace) 48:07 - Anthem - Emmanual (God With Us) - Chris Tomlin 51:24 - Prayers of the People 54:55 - Community Prayer 57:31 - Offertory 59:34 - Doxology 1:00:15 - Missions Moment (Jill Linder and Sue Mauri-Hoyt 1:10:29 - Closing Hymn - UMH 219 What Child Is This 1:12:43 - Benediction 1:13:10 - Postlude