Bone Broth | Mutton Paya Health benefits | پاۓ کھانے کے نۡقصان
Motton / beef Paya (Bone broth) is a very delicious and popular breakfast in Punjab. However, due to cholesterol rich food it is not being liked by health sensitive people. However, these days cholesterol has been declared as good food and safe to consume. Traditionally it is claimed as very rich in amino acids, proteins and minerals but scientific evidence is otherwise and it is not as rich in protein and minerals as other meat foods. If you experience digestive problems, autoimmune illness, or chronic allergies, you might be familiar with research on the health benefits of bone broth and its potential to offer relief. Bone broth has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. And it is among the most nutrient-rich healing foods you can consume. Bone broth is made from animal parts that (in modern times) are often thrown away. These include bones and marrow, connective tissues, feet and other “bits” that may have you wrinkling your nose. Bone broth is rich in collagen – the most abundant protein in the human body. Collagen is found in skin, muscle, tendons, and bones. It provides the strength and structure that holds your body together. Collagen is also referred to as “the beauty protein” for its ability to stave off the telltale signs of aging: loose, wrinkled, discolored, and sagging skin. Bone broth is rich in a wide variety of nutrients, including the simplest of all amino acids, glycine. #HowToConsumeBoneBroth, #HealthBenefitsOfEatingBoneBroth, #TraditionalBreakfastPunjab, #CollagenRichFood References: M.H. Shaw* and N.E. Flynn. 2019. AMINO ACID CONTENT OF BEEF, CHICKEN AND TURKEY BONE BROTH . Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research, 2019,18(4), 15 Heid, M. TIME Magazine, 2016, http://time.com/4159156/ bone-broth-health-benefits/ Date accessed: 09/10/2019 Rebekah D. Alcock and Gregory C. Shaw. Bone Broth Unlikely to Provide Reliable Concentrations of Collagen Precursors Compared With Supplemental Sources of Collagen Used in Collagen Research. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsnem.2018-0139 Siebecker, Allison. "Traditional bone broth in modern health and disease." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, no. 259-260, 2005, p. Jordan L. Hawkins, Enriched Chicken Bone Broth as a Dietary Supplement Reduces Nociception and Sensitization Associated with Prolonged Jaw Opening.J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 32(2): 208–215. doi: 10.11607/ofph.1971 Neuroprotective Effect of Enriched Chicken Bone Broth as a Dietary Supplement in a Model of Migraine Mediated by Early Life Stress. Peterson OJ, Cornelison LE, Durham PL. J Med Food. 2020 Dec;23(12):1259-1265. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2019.0312. Epub 2020 Apr 23. PMID: 32326809