11/27/22: Imagination, Hope, and Thriving
A Reflection by Dr. DeAnza Spaulding

11/27/22: Imagination, Hope, and Thriving A Reflection by Dr. DeAnza Spaulding

We are continuing our series Set Us Free from Fear as we sit with these words from our offering prayer, “that all may survive and not just thrive”. This Sunday is also the first week of Advent. Advent comes from the Latin word Adventus which means coming or arrival. It is in our tradition that as we enter Advent we do so in a spirit of waiting with divine anticipation. We hold this season of waiting with hope, joy, peace & love. This week we will light the advent candle and reflect on hope. Dr. DeAnza will explore what it means to hold Divine Imagination as a resource to create a world where all may not just survive but thrive.