December 19, 2021 4th of Advent Candlelight service highlights @ Martin Luther Church Toronto

December 19, 2021 4th of Advent Candlelight service highlights @ Martin Luther Church Toronto

Welcome to the December 19, 2021 4th of Advent Candlelight Service at Martin Luther Church Toronto. These are the highlights. Pastor Annika Klappert presiding. ORDER OF SERVICE: Prelude Words of Welcome Gathering Hymn: Prepare the royal highway ELW 264 Psalm of the day Psalm 80,1-7 Kyrie Prayer of the day First Reading Jes 42,1-8 Hymn: Wait for the Lord ELW 262 Second Reading Luke 1,39-45 Creed modern I believe in Jesus Christ and in the beauty of the gospel begun in Bethlehem. I believe in the one whose spirit glorified a little town and whose spirit still brings music to persons all over the world. I believe in the one for whom the crowded inn could find no room, but who transformed the place by his very presence. I believe in the one who the rulers of the earth ignored and the proud could never understand; whose life was among common people, whose welcome came from persons with hungry hearts. I believe in the one whose cradle was a mother’s arms, who looked at persons and made them see what God’s love saw in them, who by love brought sinners back to purity, and lifted human weakness up to meet the strength of God. I confess my ever-lasting need of God: The need of forgiveness for my selfishness and greed, the need of new life for empty souls, the need of love for hearts grown cold. I believe in God who gives us the best of himself. I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, born in Bethlehem this night, for me and for the world. Amen. Hymn: O come o come Emmanuel ELW 257 Sermon Meditation: Maria durch ein Dornwald ging Picture from Sieger Köder 1.Maria durch ein Dornwald ging, der hat in sieben Jahrn kein Laub getragen. Mary wandered through a wood of thorns 2.Was trug Maria unter ihrem Herzen? Ein kleines Kindlein ohne Schmerzen, das trug Maria unter ihrem Herzen. Who did Mary bear beneath her bosom (heart)? A little babe without pain, whom Mary bore beneath her bosom (heart). 3.Da haben die Dornen Rosen getragen. Als das Kindlein durch den Wald getragen, da haben die Dornen Rosen getragen. The thorns had roses there, as the babe was carried through the woods, there were roses with thorns on them. Hymn: Away in a manger ELW 277 Prayers of intercession In this season of watching and waiting, let us pray for all people and places that yearn for God’s presence. Announcements Postlude Presiding Pastor Annika Klappert Piano: Linda Marcinkus Cantor: Tanya Zielke Tech Team: Peter Schweiger ********************************** Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church 2379 Lake Shore Blvd West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8V 1B7 Tel.: (416) 251-8293 [email protected] Follow us on social media: Facebook:   / martinlutherchurchtoronto   Instagram:   / lutheransbythelake   Twitter:   / lutheransbylake   Subscribe to our YouTube channel:    / martinlutherchurchtoronto   Martin Luther Church Toronto is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and partners with the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD).