Nissan R32 925hp & 1695hp drift setup Car parking multiplayer
a little correction, a little experiment and the result was for nothing. where the whole fault was in the suspension and cog. If you watched the video now, try to rate the VN edit on my video that I tried .... If you want skip clip go to time 0:40 My another drift setups Nissan 350z 925hp and 1695hp • Nissan 350Z (fairlady Z) 925HP and 16... Nissan R35 925hp and 1695hp • New drift setup Nissan GT-R R35 925HP... Nissan R33 925hp and 1695hp • Nissan R33 925hp & 1695hp drift setup... #carparkingmultiplayer2024 #carparkingmultiplayerasia #carparkingmultiplayerawddrift #carparkingmultiplayerdriftsetup #olzhassgames #carparkingmultiplayermalaysia