FR. DIBIN ALUVASSERY VC: LIVE HOLY FAMILY CONVENTION- 15-02-25 - Divine Retreat Centre, Nuvem - Goa.

FR. DIBIN ALUVASSERY VC: LIVE HOLY FAMILY CONVENTION- 15-02-25 - Divine Retreat Centre, Nuvem - Goa.

LIVE Holy Family convention led by Fr. Dibin Aluvassery VC, Fr. Shinu Paulose VC, Br. Rohit, Dn. Deuben Azavedo VC and All for Jesus band. Mass celebrated by: Fr. Seville Co celebrate: Fr. Shinu & Dn. Dueben Retreat translated by: Sr. Candy, Sr. Ivy, Br. James & Br. Marcus 15/02/25 Location: Divine Retreat Centre, Nuvem - Goa Director: Fr Shinu Paulose VC Superior: Fr. Cyriac Kunnel VC " Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. " Jeremiah 29:12 Thank you to the people of Goa and a special thanks to all the volunteers.