6PM Anticipated Mass - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time | June 26, 2021

6PM Anticipated Mass - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time | June 26, 2021

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time | June 26, 2021 Presider: Rev. Fr. Nelson Ma. Lato, OSM First Reading: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24 Responsorial Psalm(Ps 30) I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. Second Reading: 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 Alleluia Our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel. Gospel: Mk 5: 21-43 Prayer of the Faithful: Lord of Life, hear our prayer. #stperegrineparish #stperegrineshrine