My Sibling Is Lost, Safety Tips for Kids, Funny Song for Baby & Nursery Rhymes

My Sibling Is Lost, Safety Tips for Kids, Funny Song for Baby & Nursery Rhymes

My Sibling Is Lost, Safety Tips for Kids, Funny Song for Baby & Nursery Rhymes is here: SCENE 1: INTRODUCTION (Upbeat, cheerful music plays. The scene opens in a colorful park with happy kids playing. The main characters, LUCAS (6 years old) and EMMA (4 years old), are introduced.) NARRATOR (warm and friendly voice):"Welcome to Toddler Zoo! Today, we have a fun adventure, important safety tips, and a super funny song! Are you ready? Let’s go!" LUCAS:"Emma, let’s play hide and seek!" EMMA:"Yay! I’ll hide first!" (Emma runs off giggling. Lucas covers his eyes and counts.) SCENE 2: MY SIBLING IS LOST (Emma hides behind a tree. Lucas finishes counting and looks around.) LUCAS:"Hmm... where did she go? Emma?" (Emma wanders off and realizes she’s lost. She looks around, nervous.) EMMA:"Uh-oh... where’s Lucas? I’m lost!" (Soft suspenseful music plays.) NARRATOR:"Oh no! What should Emma do when she’s lost? Let’s find out!" (Emma takes deep breaths.) EMMA:"Okay, Mommy said if I ever get lost, I should stay in one place." (She finds a nearby bench and sits. A kind POLICE OFFICER sees her.) POLICE OFFICER:"Hello there! Are you lost?" EMMA:"Yes... My brother is Lucas, and I can’t find him." POLICE OFFICER:"That’s okay! You did the right thing by staying in one place! Let’s find your brother." (Lucas spots Emma with the police officer and runs over.) LUCAS:"Emma! I was looking for you!" POLICE OFFICER:"Remember, kids! If you ever get lost, stay where you are and find a safe adult to help you!" (Emma nods, and happy music plays.) SCENE 3: SAFETY TIPS FOR KIDS (A friendly cartoon cat, SAFETY SAM, appears.) SAFETY SAM:"Hello, kids! Let’s learn important safety tips!" (He sings a catchy song.) SAFETY SAM (singing):"If you're lost, don’t run around,Stay in one place, safe and sound!Find a helper, don’t feel shy,Look for police and stand nearby!" (Kids clap along.) NARRATOR:"Great job! Here are more safety tips!" (Animated scenes show different safety scenarios.) SAFETY SAM:"1. Never talk to strangers unless with a trusted adult!2. Always know your parent’s phone number!3. If you feel unsafe, shout for help!" (The kids repeat after him.) SCENE 4: FUNNY SONG FOR BABY (Lucas and Emma now sing a silly, upbeat song.) LUCAS & EMMA (singing):"Wiggle your fingers, touch your nose,Hop like a bunny, touch your toes!Spin around and do a dance,Jump up high and clap your hands!" (Silly dancing ensues. A baby giggles in a high chair, clapping.) NARRATOR:"What a funny song! Do you like to dance, too?" (Kids in the audience respond happily.) SCENE 5: NURSERY RHYME TIME! (A colorful stage appears. Characters perform classic rhymes.) LUCAS & EMMA:"Let’s sing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ together!" ALL (singing):"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!" (Stars twinkle in the sky as kids sing along.) SCENE 6: CONCLUSION (Lucas and Emma wave goodbye.) LUCAS:"We had so much fun today!" EMMA:"And we learned important safety tips, too!" NARRATOR:"Remember, kids—stay safe, have fun, and keep singing! See you next time!" (Cheerful outro music plays. The end.)