Extreme Makeover: Temple Edition | Traditional Service

Extreme Makeover: Temple Edition | Traditional Service

Extreme Makeover: Temple Edition CFC 23 March DISCUSS How central is “sacrifice” to following Jesus? His for us? Ours to Him? (Our need for sacrifice!) According to Hebrews 10:1–14, why don’t believers today need a physical altar? According to Hebrews 10:15–25 and 13:9–15, what kind of an altar do we have? The returning Hebrews were fearful, faithful, and fragile. Does your understanding of mature Christianity allow for this ‘messy spirituality’? In what ways have you experienced being in a community to be a critical part of you staying centered on Christ? Notice how the Hebrews gathered “as one man” (3:1). Who has God used to help you grow in your relationship with Christ? To help you get directly involved in using your God-given gifts and talents as a spiritual sacrifice to make a difference in the world? Many things can work against our trusting in Christ’s goodness… have you ever experienced falling into the “looking-back” trap? What happened? How did God deliver you? How can we come alongside each other when our hope is weakening because of fear, doubt or unhealthy comparison? In Ezra 3:11 God’s people praise the Lord “FOR HE IS GOOD.” How has God been good to you? Both now and in the past. Do you see that it is God’s covenant-love that is a central theme in the worship of God’s people? How is that displayed in the pattern of worship services at CFC? How is it celebrated in baptism and communion? Do you view Sunday as the “best day of the week”? Why or why not? How central is public worship to the rhythms of your life? Can you say about Sunday “O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright.” * SCRIPTURE Haggai 2:3ff and Zech 4:10 (Prophets coaching God’s people about foundation sorrow) 1 Kings 8:10-11 (shows glory Hebrews 10 and Hebrews 13 Ephesians 2:19-22 (foundation, temple; God’s house; God’s dwelling place) Hebrews 9:22 Without the shedding of blood, there is no sacrifice. For more information about Catalina Foothills Church, please visit us at https://cfcpca.org