November 14 — 8:00 Service — Matins for Pentecost 25 — The one who endures to the end will be saved.
Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Joplin, Missouri! Join us Sundays, In-Person at 8:00 or 10:30 or LIVE on Facebook and YouTube. May the Lord richly bless you as you hear His Word today. JOIN US TODAY AFTER THE 10:30 SERVICE FOR OUR FALL VOTER'S MEETING. We will be electing officers for the year ahead, and discussing possible future projects too! Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT & SHARE! Doing this exponentially expands our reach online. Thank you! Want to see the full Order of Service? Find it here. https://www.immanueljoplin.com/servic... Immanuel Lutheran Church - LCMS 2616 Connecticut Ave Joplin, Missouri 64804 immanueljoplin.com/LIVE immanueljoplin.com/COVID immanueljoplin.com/GIVE immanueljoplin.com/CONTACT Powered by Restream https://restream.io/