🥩🔥 Carnivore Diet Before And After Results 180 Day Low Carb Keto WeightLoss Transformation #shorts
Carnivore Diet Before And After Results 180 Day Low Carb Keto Weight Loss Transformation. I'm a father of 2, husband to 1 amazing wife :), business owner that started the carnivore diet to optimize my mental capacity, increase my quality of life, and to lose some weight. Before I started carnivore I thought the people doing carnivore diet were Keto influencer types doing it to spite vegans and get attention on the Internet, which is hilarious, but I'm now thinking that was not entirely true :) I got started on this carnivore style of living is because one day while scrolling YouTube I ran across a ‪@joerogan‬ podcast on ‪@JREClips‬ where Joe interviewed ‪@JordanBPeterson‬ about what he's doing to have lost so much weight. Jordan shared his carnivore diet story and even shared some of his daughter ‪@mikhaila‬ story of successfully healing herself on a strict version of the carnivore diet she calls the Lion Diet. I highly recommend you watch both videos where they tell their stories. Next, I listened to The Carnivore Code by Dr. Paul Saladino ‪@Paulsaladinomd‬ audible and at my daily lunch breaks I would watch videos by ‪@KenDBerryMD‬ and ‪@ShawnBakerMD‬ and ‪@anthonychaffeemd‬ as well as ‪@SteakandButterGal‬ ‪@LauraSpath‬ to learn more about how to do this effectively and here I am now sharing my carnivore diet transformation journey.