The Last Of Us Part II | E29 - Ch8 Seattle Day 3, Pt4 | The Confrontation (Abby & Ellie)
The Last of Us Part II - Episode 29: Chapter Eight: Seattle Day Three, Part 4 (Abby and Ellie) The Confrontation We finally reach the inevitable confrontation between Abby and Ellie, and a conclusion to cliffhanger from the end of E17, before we experienced Abby's same 3 days in Seattle. However we now see it from Abby's perspective and knowing what we now know about her. I'll be honest I didn't enjoy playing through this one, especially the actual fight with Ellie. I felt oddly teary all through it. It was so weird to see Ellie from Abby's point of view, as the taunting attacking enemy. As a long term fan of TLoU and of Joel and Ellie, it was actually upsetting to see her that way. It was especially jarring to realise Ellie was now playing out a predatory role to similar to that she experienced being chased by David in the burning diner. Anyway I was glad when this enstallment was over! ------------------------------- The sequel to my favourite game of all time, I am very excited to play Part II. As my first play though I'm playing on Moderate difficulty. Gameplay on original PS4 captured in 1080p. The Last of Us 2 (Last of Us Part 2) Walkthrough Gameplay, includes the Intro, Review, Campaign Mission of the Last of Us Part II Single Player Story Campaign for PS4 and PS5 (Playstation 5) later. This 2020 The Last of Us Part 2 Story Campaign Walkthrough will be the Full Game including a Review, Prologue, All Story Chapters, OST, Cut Scenes, Cinematic, Missions, Joel, Ellie, Abby, Collectables, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes, Chapters, Jackson, Seattle Day 1, Seattle Day 2, Seattle Day 3, The Park, The Farm, Epilogue. Twitter: / geronimolet Facebook: / geronimoletsplays The Last of Us Part II takes place five years after the events of the first game and about 25 years after the outbreak of the Cordyceps brain Infection began. Ellie is now 19 years old, returning as the main player protagonist. Joel also returns, who is now in his early to mid-fifties. The story is again split into four seasonal chapters, starting with Jackson County, Wyoming, in the winter. The Last of Us Part II is an action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro and (when released) PS5. Set five years after the events of The Last of Us. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic United States following the outbreak of a Cordyceps fungal brain infection in the year 2013, a mutated strain of which transferred to humanity wiping out approx 60% rapidly and causing society as it existed to break down. The infection rapidly spread, both by being attacked and cited by the infected and through the breathing in of spores. The infected lose all humanity and rapidly devolve through stages of infection making them ever more dangerous, including runners, stalkers, clickers (who are blind and use echo location via their eerie clicking), and bloaters. The game contains survival horror elements and is played from the third-person perspective. Players can use firearms, improvised weapons, and stealth to defend against hostile humans and the infected, some gained from collectables and from people encountered along the way. The gameplay mechanics in Part II have expanded upon its predecessor, The Last of Us. In it the player character can traverse the environment more openly by being able to reach higher vantage points by jumping and climbing while playing as the more nimble Ellie. Players can also crawl in a prone position to evade enemies, hiding in tall grass and under structures or vehicles. Throughout the game, players will have variable non-player characters assisting them. The game also sees the return of "Listen Mode" allowing players to locate enemies through a heightened sense of hearing and spatial awareness, indicated as outlines visible through walls and objects. Additionally, players can collect supplements to upgrade skills in a skill tree. The three main branches of the tree are Survival, Crafting, and Stealth. Survival upgrades improve health, Listen Mode's range, and throw distance. Crafting upgrades allow for melee upgrades, increase to crafting speed, and the ability to craft smoke and stun bombs. Stealth upgrades improve prone movement speed, faster stealth kills, and unlock pistol silencers. Part II also introduces guard dogs that can track the player's scent,.