HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Prodigal Son" Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Mary Phoenix, AZ ~ 3/31/2024

HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Prodigal Son" Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Mary Phoenix, AZ ~ 3/31/2024

His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef: Divine Liturgy Homily on the "Prodigal Son" 3rd Sunday of the Great Fast Holy Gospel According to St Luke 15: 11-32 St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church Phoenix AZ March 31, 2024, | Paremhotep 22, 1740 Rev Fr Philemon Hanna Pastoral Visit #metropolitan_youssef #hemy #coptic #orthodox #pastoralvisit #stmary #divineliturgy #divineliturgyhomily #diaconates #Prodigalson #Luke @His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef    / @metropolitanyoussef_suscopts      / bishopyoussef   🔔 Subscribe and turn notifications on.