Orthros and Divine Liturgy for the Fifteenth Sunday After the Holy Cross
Orthros and Divine Liturgy - 26 January 2025 (Tone 3) Fifteenth Sunday After the Holy Cross Father Xenophon and his relatives Principal Celebrant: Abouna Justin Rose Deacons: Fr. Deacon Andrew Baroody, Fr. Deacon Robert Klesko Chantors: Jacob Ritchey, Jeremy Ritchey, Dr. Khalil Awad Streaming liturgical celebrations live from St. George the Great Martyr Melkite Catholic Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Website: https://www.saintgeorgeonline.org/ Facebook: / stgeorgemelkite Instagram: / stgeorgefoodfest YouTube: / @saintgeorgemelkite Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Newton: https://melkite.org/ Melkite Catholic Patriarchate: http://www.melkitepat.org/