Dredd (2012) - SciFi Nerds

Dredd (2012) - SciFi Nerds

Like this video? Be sure to watch this video next:    • Predators (2010) - SciFi Nerds   Dredd (2012) Movie Review: The Salty Nerds geek out over this "day in the life of Judge Dredd" movie from Karl Urban and Alex Garland. Nowhere near as campy as Stallone's 1995 take on the Judge Dredd character, this film sees Urban's Dredd team up with Olivia Thirlby as a mutant rookie Judge as they take on a crime lord named Ma-Ma, played by Cersei Lannister herself, Lena Headey. This film has lots of slow motion and tons of action! But best yet, Karl Urban is the only lead actor to ever have the commitment to never remove his helmet a single time in a movie! What is your Dredd 2012 movie review? Did you love it? Hate it? Did you like it better than Stallone's take on the character? Let us know in the comments!