How and When to Start Lavender Indoors: Takes a Long Time to Germinate - The Rusted Garden 2014
Lavender can take 4 weeks to germinate. It does not like to be buried under the soil. You can start lavender 12 weeks before it is ready to go outdoors. Starting it indoors will allow certain varieties the opportunity to flower the same year. Please Help Support My Channel: The Rusted Garden - Thanks! Please Visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop: https://www.therustedgarden.com/ Here is The Rusted Garden Link to Amazon for Seed Starting & Gardening Supplies http://amzn.to/2FgufvF Thanks for using my link. It helps fund my garden videos! Subscribe to My YouTube Channel (800 Garden Videos) - The Rusted Garden: / pilarchik Follow me on Instagram for Harvest Pictures, Updates and Monthly Give-Aways: / therustedgarden Visit My Original Blog The Rusted Vegetable Garden: http://www.therustedgarden.blogspot.com Contact Me at [email protected]