7.Sural Al-Aaraf (The Heights) | سورۃ الاعراف | With Arabic Text #quran

7.Sural Al-Aaraf (The Heights) | سورۃ الاعراف | With Arabic Text #quran

7.Sural Al-Aaraf (The Heights) | سورۃ الاعراف | With Arabic Text #quran سورۃ الاعراف - 7 Full Quran :-    • Para 1 to Para 30 Full of Quran with ...   Quran e paak ko tawajjuh se sunne se ek ek lafz ke 10-10 nekiyan milti hai, isiliye dhyan se aur dil laga kar suniye. By listening to Quran-e-Pak with attention, you get 10-10 good deeds for each word, so listen peacefully and from the bottom of your heart. HADITH USMAN BIN AFFAN (R.A) REPORTED:- THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH(صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم) SAID :- "THE BEST AMONGST YOU IS THE ONE WHO LEARN THE QURAN AND TEACHES IT". (AL-BUKHARI) Al-Araf [1][2] (Arabic: ٱلأعراف, al-ʾAʿrāf; meaning: The Heights) is the 7th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an, with 206 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (Asbāb al-nuzūl), it is a "Meccan surah", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca. Classification :- Meccan Other names :- The Purgatory, Position :- Juzʼ 8—9 Hizb no. :- 16—18 No. of Rukus :- 24 No. of verses :- 206 No. of Sajdahs :- 1 (verse 206) Opening muqaṭṭaʻāt :- ʾAlif Lām Mīm Ṣād المص Surah Al Araf With Arabic Text Surah Al Aaraaf With Arabic Text Surah Al Aaraf With Arabic Text Surah Al A'raf With Arabic Text Surah Al Araf سورة الاعراف سوره الاعراف الاعراف سورت القرآن سورة الاعراف مکمل قرآن #suraharaf #surahaaraaf #surahalaraf #quranrecitation #quranepak Assalamualaikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu Hi Everyone🤗 Welcome to my channel, I am Amrain.. Your sister has taken a step forward with a small dream This channel is for full Quran Sharif, islamic videos, and some cute moments of animals etc All my dear Brothers, Sisters and friends, I need your support🙏 in this journey which I have just begun. I want your supports.. Help me out to reach 1k soon. Please like👍 & Subscribe 👇    / @jkislamic786   "Every Sunset🌅 is an opportunity to reset" Your smile 🙂 will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you. This channel JK ISLAMIC 786 is all about Quran Sharif, islamic videos, motivational videos, and some cute moments of animals Your support is blessing for me... ☺