How to Study God's Word Effectively!!! Apostle Grace Lubega
how to study the word of God effectively, reading the bible, studying scriptures effectively, intimacy with God through the Word. The person of the Word of God by the man of God Apostle Grace Lubega. Through this sermon experience great awakening to prayer and revive your prayer. Apostle Grace Lubega is a man of God the president of Phaneroo ministries International. Through his ministration many are blessed and transformed, while his words are backed with God's power to heal and to deliver and to set free. #apostlegracelubega #apostlegrace #phaneroo #gracelubega #apostlegracelubegasermons #howtostudythewordofGod #meditation #howtomeditate #thewordofgod #study apostlegracelubegatoday apostlegracelubegalive