जब आपका Ex बहुत जल्दी move on कर ले तो क्या करें | What to do when your Ex moves on too fast?
To know more about me and my work, connect with me on other social media accounts:- Instagram:- @crazyphilosopherofficial ( / crazyphilosopherofficial ) Facebook:- @crazyphilosopherofficial ( / crazyphilosopherofficial ) Twitter:- @crazyphilosophr (https://twitter.com/crazyphilosophr?s=09) In this video I've talked about what to do when your ex boyfriend or girlfriend moves on too fast after a breakup. what should one do and how should be react in this situation. Do watch this video till the end and get a better clarity about it. About 'Crazy Philosopher' - On a 'MISSION' to help you 'GROW' in 'LIFE'. Here to instigate you with a vision of life, to set your soul on fire and to give you power to grow in life being a ‘Motivational Speaker’. Here to hold your hand while you go through a rough patch in your relationship and facing issues like break-up, regular fights and intolerable arguments being a ‘Relationship Counsellor’. Here to show and to set you on the right path while you are surrounded by a lot of noises in this chaotic world and to provide you with the right kind of advice being a ‘Youth Expert’. Would love to receive invitation to visit your place (Institutes, NGO’s, Public Gathering Places, Events, etc). To connect back on a call - Download 'Callme4 - The Phone Consultation' app from playstore, register yourself, search Crazy Philosopher and talk to me personally. (Here is the link of callme4 app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...) I offer one on one private counselling session for individuals those who are going through breakups, depression, tough times and for those who wants to make their relationship stronger. Schedule a call with Crazy Philosopher - Message me on Instagram or Facebook page. (Paid consultation - Life coaching/Relationship advice/Break-up motivation/Depression) I'm here for you and can't wait to hear from you. It would truly be my pleasure to help you! I wish you all the very best. Trillion of thanks for your love and support, truly means the world for me. Stay inspired. Stay connected stay blessed! God bless you mere dost!! Jai Hind, Jai Bharat. #RelationshipCounsellor #BreakupExpert