Anti-Israel protests against Ted Cruz & Mary Elizabeth Coleman; Brad & John Show Episode 138 C Block
0:00 Intro 1:10 Brad's tall genetics 2:30 Anti-Israel protesters at Ted Cruz's home 5:35 Mary Elizabeth Coleman and Topo Chico 7:30 Brad's in-person attorney story 9:15 Cowards' fear of face-to-face conversations 12:25 Anti-Monsanto protesters 16:00 Mentality of the disaffected 17:00 Brad's Occupy St. Louis cameo Originally aired June 17, 2024. Full episode summaries at / bjshowafterglow Each weekday Brad and John get together for an hour and fix all of the problems of the world. Listen live on 104.5 FM in Washington, Missouri from 7-8 a.m. Central. Streaming at https://radio.securenetsystems.net/ci... Check out Brad and John’s website at https://bjshow.co John Combest’s daily Missouri political news website at https://johncombest.com John's book on stalking, harassment, and internet/social media trolling is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3yuab9W (Note: As an Amazon Associate, John earns from qualifying book purchases.)