YELO YELO | Latest Christmas Folk Dance Video LIVE | ft.Manna Jubilee Kids

YELO YELO | Latest Christmas Folk Dance Video LIVE | ft.Manna Jubilee Kids

YELO YELO Dance was performed by Manna Jubilee KIDS during Christmas Sandhadi 2022 held at Manna Jubilee Church, Amalapuram. If you enjoyed this video Please SUBSCRIBE & THUMBS UP to our Channel for more videos from our ministry. Sow your precious seeds of offering into our ministry to reach the gospel to every corner of India and around the World. Our hope is that you see God do more in you and through you than you ever dreamed possible! Please share your prayer request to our below email or phone number. We invite you and your family to come and join us in some services to fellowship with us and celebrate Jesus. First Service: 6AM || Second Service : 8:30AM || Third Service: 11AM Youth Service: 4:00PM BANK DETAILS: MANNA JUBILEE CHURCH A/C: 036510011017764 UNION BANK OF INDIA MOBERLIPETA BRANCH IFSC : UBIN0803651 Info: Rev. Carl & Sharon Komanapalli, Senior Pastors Rev. Ernest & Esther Thathapudi, Lead Pastors MANNA JUBILEE CHURCH Black Bridge, Amalapuram - 533 201 Andhra Pradesh, India. Ph: +91- 8179661177 email: [email protected] #mannajubileechurch #telugusermons #amalapuram #pastorcarlkomanapalli #pastorsharonkomanapalli #pastorernestthathapudi #pastorestherthathapudi #drbrambedkarkonaseemachurch #telugumegachurch @pastorernestthathapudi COPY RIGHTS: This content Is copyright To Manna Jubilee Church. Any unauthorized reproduction, Redistribution or re-upload Is strictly prohibited of this material. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the following material presented!