St George’s Anglican Church Eucharist | February 6, 2022 | 4th Sunday before Lent

St George’s Anglican Church Eucharist | February 6, 2022 | 4th Sunday before Lent

St George’s Anglican Church Eucharist with the Revd Canon Christopher Jage-Bowler and the Revd Joachim Reich **** Do you already subscribe to our channel?​​ **** Participants: Austin Wilson (Server) Eleanor Forbes and Stewart Emerson (Cantors) Scott Clemons (Organist) We are able to celebrate public services again—come join us! Please adhere to the 2G regulations. Sunday 10:30 Morning Eucharist at St Georges Church Please register online ue to limited space or by phone during parish office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 to 13:00. - Wearing FFP 2 masks is mandatory in church - To sit on the blue marked places - To keep distance. Stay connected with us: Facebook:   / stgeorgesanglicanchurchberlin   Twitter:   / stgeorgesberlin   Instagram:   / stgeorgesberlin