Top 6 Sulphate & Paraben Free Shampoo in Indian Market

Top 6 Sulphate & Paraben Free Shampoo in Indian Market

Sulphate and Paraben are chemicals that can damage your hairs in long run. Now a days in most chemical treatments like keratin and botox we are asked to use a Sulphate free shampoo. In this video we will discuss about Top 6 Sulphate and paraben Free shampoo available in Indian Market. Products discussed: 1) KT PROFESSIONAL 3×MOISTURE Shampoo (250ML-1250) 2) STREAX CANVO LINE Shampoo (250ML-350) 3) ST BOTANICA PRO KERATINE & ARGAN OIL Shampoo (175ML-359) 4) LOREAL XTENSO GOLD Shampoo (250ML-950) 5) Ogx BRAZILIAN KERATINE SMOOTH Shampoo (385ML-799) 6) KERATINE Shampoo (500ML-600) Free Home Delivery all over India 🇮🇳🇮🇳 Whatsapp Details :9891002929 For orders Pls Click on the Link Below 👇 Instagram Link 👇   / rohitsachdeva1   Facebook Link 👇   / rohitrox9   Store Location 👇 Telegram Channel for updates 👇 Disclaimer • This video is not sponsored by any brand.The information provided on this channel is for general purposes only and should NOT be considered as professional advice. Please note that we are not a licensed professional or a medical practitioner so always make sure you consult a professional in case of any need. All thoughts expressed in the video are My own and i am not compensated by any brand, advertiser, PR representative or affiliate for the same.I never try to push any products on anyone but i do make recommendations based on my personal experience. All the content published on this channel is My creative work and is protected under copyright Law! #Loreal #Keratine #Stbotanica #ogxshampoo #streax #kehairtherapy #keratinshampoo #chemicallytreatedhairs #bestkeratinshampoo #keratinshampoo