Early Spring Planting Begins in My Carolina Garden

Early Spring Planting Begins in My Carolina Garden

Early Spring Planting Begins in My Carolina Garden today!! I know it's not officially spring, but it's time to clean up a flowerbed, do some rearranging, and show you some of the beautiful, colorful flowers I purchased! My name is Nicole Roggeman and My Carolina Garden is located in growing zone 8B in Southeastern North Carolina. We're lucky enough to have a long growing season here, and our ground doesn't freeze in the winter. I'm also thankful spring cleanup can happy early, before it's officially spring, so I can get a jumpstart on my garden work before it gets too hot. Here in coastal North Carolina, I have sandy soil, and have to enrich my soil because of it. If you're interested in gardening tips, expanding your landscape on a budget, getting some inspiration for planting, or just want to see how my gardens grow and change, stick with me and My Carolina Garden. #gardening #mycarolinagarden #springplanting #gardencleanup