Woodside Apartments | Found Footages Moded Playthrough Part 2 | Silent Hill 2 Remake | 4K UHD
Part 2 of a New Game +, moded longplay, no commentary walkthrough of Silent Hill 2 Remake. This episode covers the Woodside Apartments. The combat is done exclusively with the chainsaw. Recorded in 4K UHD. Enjoy! Mods used in this playthrough are: Nude Maria N Mary, Shirtless and Tanktop James, Nude Pyramid Head, Goth Angela, SH2 - Found footages and Smoother Hill. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe for more content. Silent Hill 2 Remake Found Footages playlist • Silent Hill 2 Remake | Found Footages... You can check our game story recaps here / @retrosectiongaming #silenthill2 #silenthill2remake