Sunday mix for y'all TRACK LIST: $uicideboy$ - Matte Black $uicideboy$ - Materialism as a means to an end $uicideboy$ - In Constant Sorrow Ramirez - Try Not to Get Your Feet Wet Ramirez - On Purpose Ramirez - Grey Gods ft $B $uicideboy$ - Slip On Banana Clip ft Germ $uicideboy$ - New Profile Pic $uicideboy$ - Uzi Loogies ft Germ $uicideboy$ - Sorry for the Delay ft Germ Ramirez - Carhartt Vest fr Germ $uicideboy$ - My Swisher Sweet, But My Sig Sauer ft Germ Germ - Hellcat ft Shakewell Germ - Survivor's Guilt $uicideboy$ - Grayscale ft JGRXXN Black Smurf Ramirez Ramirez - Shameless Gorillas ft Shakewell Ramirez - Na Na Na Na Na (Caught Slippin) Ramirez - Buff Squad fr Pouya Shakewell Germ $uicideboy$ - Central Core Never More ft Germ $uicideboy$ - 1000 Blunts $uicideboy$ - G.R.E.Y.G.O.D.S. ft Ramirez Thanks for watching TAGS: $uicideboy$ suicideboys uicideboy rubydacherry scrim slicksloth g59family g59records grey59 g*59 germ scrim rubydacherry ruby ruby da cherry перевод russub rus sub текст lyrics translate slicksloth slick sloth $lick $loth oddynuff snowleopard yungmutt wetto dns3 dns dirtynastysuicide dirtynasty$uicide dirtiernastiersuicide dirtiernastier$uicide dirtiestnastiest$uicide dirtiestnastiestsuicide greygods grey gods ramirez rvmirez music mix $B SB sb $b $uicide grey five nine greyfivenive