Tue, Dec 24 at 11:00 PM - Christmas Eve Worship Service (11PM)
Imagine a person unfamiliar with Christmas. How would you explain it? To truly grasp Christmas, they must know that God, the creator, exists. They must also understand that all people have sinned against God, resulting in the consequence of “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Christmas is the revelation of God’s deep love, offering forgiveness, return to Him, and eternal life despite our sin. In Old Testament times, faith in the promised Christ saved people. Today, faith in the same Christ, born of the virgin Mary, saves us through His sacrificial death, as evidenced by His resurrection. Paul prayed for their salvation, asking how they could call on Him without belief, believe in Him without hearing, hear without preaching, or preach without being sent. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. It’s not hard to imagine someone who’s never heard Christmas, even us who have. We often live as if we’ve never heard, struggling with sin until we’re delivered from its power. We need to hear this story repeatedly. Tonight, we recall the beauty of Christmas and the Gospel of our salvation, a message to be cherished and believed over and over again.