The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale - Episode 5: No Going Back | Chapter 9/10: Cold and Alone
The season finale of The Walking Dead: Season Two made me shed some tears during the making of this video. ;_; Some of you could probably tell, but that's just what happens when your feelings get attached to the characters you really love. This video will also feature live commentary & English subtitles for your convenience. The following video contains Chapter 9: Cold and Alone & Chapter 10: No Going Alone. Season One Playlist: • The Walking Dead: The Game If you liked the video, I will guarantee you more. Like and Subscribe? It really goes a long way for me. Follow Me on Facebook! --► https://www.facebook.com/ThexDarkxWri... Follow Me on Twitter! --► / thexdarkxwriter Subscribe to Me! --► / @darkwriter760 Follow Me on Twitch! --► / profile The Walking Dead: Season Two is an ongoing episodic graphic adventure based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series and developed by Telltale Games. It is the sequel to The Walking Dead: The Game. The game employs the same narrative structure as the first season, where player choice in one episode will have a permanent impact on future story elements. The player choices recorded in save files from the first season and the additional episode 400 Days carry over into the second season. Clementine, who was the player's companion during the first season, is the player-character in Season Two, and the fate of Kenny, a non-player character that appeared to die during the last act, "will be explored", according to Telltale.