Is Fasting Hard!  8 Secret Drinks and Foods to Naturally Control Your Appetite & Hunger !       Hc5

Is Fasting Hard! 8 Secret Drinks and Foods to Naturally Control Your Appetite & Hunger ! Hc5

00:00 Trying to control eating for weight loss or for other health reasons, Hunger is a barrier. 00:49 These ingredients help you feel better during your fasting period. 02:10 second secret ingredient in our talk. 03:34 third ingredient and it is another beverage that helps keep hunger at bay. 04:51 fourth secret ingredient that many people use. 06:15 Chia seeds come in as the fifth ingredient and they are tiny but powerful. 07:20 sixth ingredient and it is a type of fiber that is very helpful for your gut. 08:42 This is ingredient that many people find helpful during intermittent fasting. 12:40 Every ingredient works by making your stomach feel fuller. 14:00 You might start your morning with a cup of black coffee, with bit of cream. 16:20 Manage hunger and to make intermittent fasting a smoother process. 17:20 Combination of two or three ingredients gives you the best result. Our body is made up of nearly 60 percent water. Many times you feel hungry when your body really needs water. Drinking water can help you stay full and keep your body working well. You can add lemon to water to give it a fresh taste. Lemon gives your water a little burst of flavor that makes drinking water more enjoyable. Studies have shown that having a glass of water before a meal can reduce hunger by up to 30 percent. This means you may eat less during meals and feel more comfortable between meals. Water with lemon works well because it not only hydrates you but also gives you vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that supports your body in many ways. Black coffee is the second secret ingredient in our talk. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Many people have a cup of coffee every morning to help them wake up. Black coffee is a good choice when you are fasting because it is very low in calories. The caffeine in coffee helps to reduce hunger signals in the body. Some studies suggest that caffeine can lower appetite by up to 25 percent. This is a significant number that can make fasting easier. A cup of black coffee in the morning or during a fasting window can help you feel alert and reduce hunger. But it is important to drink it without milk or sugar so that you keep the calorie count low. 17H 8 Natural Appetite Suppressants: Secret Ingredients to Control Hunger" "Discover 8 Secret Drinks and Foods to Naturally Control Your Appetite" "8 Little-Known Ingredients to Help You Feel Full Longer" "Fasting Hard? Unlocking the Secrets: 8 Foods That Suppress Hunger Naturally" "8 Surprising Appetite Suppressants Hidden in Your Kitchen" "8 Secret Ingredients to Control Cravings. Nutritionists Recommend " Your go-to source for expert advice, tips, and support on managing diabetes and related health issues. Learn about how to manage side effects of diabetes, healthy eating, exercise, medication, and mental health. Discover delicious diabetes-friendly recipes, stay updated on the latest research, and connect with a supportive community. We're here to help you live a full and healthy life with diabetes. Subscribe now for new videos every week! Disclaimer: The information provided on this YouTube channel about health is for general information only and should not be considered professional medical advice. Viewers are advised to consult a qualified healthcare provider before any remedies or treatments mentioned on this channel. The channel owner and creators shall not be held responsible for any consequences arising from using or misusing the information presented. #diabetes #health #diabetesmanagement #diabetescare #diabeteseducation #healthylifestyle #nutrition #exercise #mentalhealth #support #community #diabetesawareness. 😀 😬 😁 😂 😃