Holy mass celebrated by Father John Kamas at St. Jean Baptiste Roman Catholic Church in New York City for the Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary 2024. JEREMIAH 23:1-6 | EPHESIANS 2:13-18 | MARK 6:30-34 PASTOR’S REFLECTION: In last Sunday’s gospel Jesus had given the apostles authority over unclean spirits and commissioned them to preach. “So, they went off and preached repentance. They drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.” In today’s gospel passage, the apostles had just returned from what proved to have be a very successful missionary excursion. They were tremendously excited but had trouble sharing their experiences because “people were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat.” Like a mother hen caring for her chicks, Jesus hustled them on to a boat to retreat to a favorite hideaway of theirs for some peace and quiet. It was a shock to them that the people guessed where they were going and were waiting for them on the shore along with many others they had picked up as they walked there. The only peace and quiet that the disciples managed to get was during the boat trip across the lake. When Jesus saw “the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them; for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.” The lessons gleaned from this first missionary experience weren’t over yet. In fact, they had just begun. There wasn’t any time for rest. The people weren’t at peace. Their spirits weren’t at rest. Immediately, Jesus reached out and touched their hearts with his teaching. Did the apostles realize that, in his response to the crowd, Jesus was teaching them, too? Did they realize that the “Jesus ministry” would demand that they pour themselves out “like a libation?” Did they realize that mere words would never be able to satisfy the deep hunger of the people? Did they realize that they would have to place their entire lives in the hands of God before they could respond to the needs of this crowd? Not yet. First, they would have to look helplessly at the crowd of five thousand as Jesus’ command echoed in their ears. “Give them some food yourselves.” Jesus continues to care for the crowds through his present-day disciples and notable disciples of the past, the saints. At St. Jean’s, we’re in the midst of our celebration of the 126th novena to Saint Anne, the grandmother of Jesus. She has interceded for many people of faith who had come to pray for healing and blessings over those many years. Many have been cured and many have received blessings. Today, we can look to Saint Anne to minister to us through her prayers. Each day at noon we celebrate the Eucharist and conclude with intercessory prayers to Saint Anne. I invite you to join the community and day during this year’s novena if you can. The last service of the novena will take place 7:30 pm on Friday, July 26th. The mass will conclude with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament to remind us, that Jesus continues to walk with us throughout our lives. Jesus fed the people who were hungry for the bread of life and a deeper experience of God. His ministry continues today through the Eucharist we celebrate, and the work of his disciples in the world today and his disciples of the past, his saints. Join the community as we pray to the grandmother of Jesus for God healing and blessing. Join us to pray for peace in our world and in our personal lives. We will be praying most importantly at this time for the healing of our nation. ———————— Check out our website:​​​ and you’ll find all the latest updates about the Church, the theatre and much more about this month! Remember to save the dates for the 142nd Novena to st Anne! You know the special place this celebration has in our hearts! As always, a huge and very grateful THANKS also to our donors for your loyalty and generosity, in person and online! CLICK ON SUBSCRIBE BUTTON TO GET A NOTIFICATION ONCE MASS IS ONLINE! *