Did not And Could not - English Grammar | How to make long Sentences | English Pesalam | Leaning |
In this video we are going to learn different between "Did you and Could you." This lesson very useful to tamil speaking people. "Did not" (Didn't) is used to talk about actions that did not happen in the past. It is the negative form of the past tense of a verb. It is commonly used in spoken English, daily conversations, and grammar lessons. Many learners confuse "Did not" with "Could not," but they have different meanings. "Did not" means the action was not done, while "Could not" means the person was not able to do it. Learn the correct usage of "Did not" with simple examples and easy explanations to improve your English. Did not usage in English, how to use did not, did not grammar rules, simple past negative sentences, did not vs don’t, English grammar in Tamil, basic English for beginners, past tense negative form, did not sentence examples, learn English through Tamil, spoken English tips, easy English learning, common mistakes with did not, basic English grammar lessons, Could not usage in English,how to use could not, could not grammar rules, past ability negative sentences, could not vs cannot, English grammar in Tamil, basic English for beginners, #EnglishGrammar #SpokenEnglishTamil #englishsentencesfordailyuse #learning #easyenglish #spokenenglishintamil #spokenenglishthroughtamil #grammar #tense #12tenses #presenttense #pasttense #onlinespokenenglish #englishsentences #englishspeakingpractice #mahaspokenenglishclass #freespokenenglishclasses #have #communicationskills #confusingenglishwords #dailyconversation #grammarintamil #commonmistakesinenglish #easyenglish #spokenenglish #spokenenglishintamil #spokenenglishclasses #learnenglishonline #LearnEnglish #BasicEnglish #DidNot #CouldNot #TamilToEnglish #EnglishForBeginners #PastTense #GrammarTips