ये 5 सब्जियाँ दुश्मन है किडनी रोगी की | Avoid These Vegetables in Kidney Failure | kidney diet food

ये 5 सब्जियाँ दुश्मन है किडनी रोगी की | Avoid These Vegetables in Kidney Failure | kidney diet food

किडनी की बीमारी से सम्बंधित किसी भी जानकारी के लिए हमे सम्पर्क करे ,निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे एंड पेशेंट की Details भरे:- https://www.karmaayurveda.in/youtube/... Kidney patients have to avoid many things in their diet; they are completely prohibited from consuming such things, which increase the creatinine in their body. Today we will tell you in our channel kidney treatment without dialysis five vegetables which are completely forbidden for kidney patients. So let us know which vegetable should not be eaten by kidney patients and why. The kidney is an important part of the human body; its job is to improve blood circulation and produce blood in the body. For this, your kidney must be fine, and if you want to keep your kidney healthy, you must stop consuming all those things that damage your kidney completely. If someone has kidney failure, they should not consume all these vegetables. In which the first is eggplant: Kidney patients are completely prohibited from consuming brinjal because it contains the amount of carbolic acid, which is harmful to the damaged kidney. Apart from this, it contains seeds, which get entrapped in the damaged nephrons of the kidney and further damage the kidney. Excessive consumption of brinjal can spoil your digestion, and poor digestion is considered fatal to your kidneys. Its consumption can greatly reduce your blood sugar and blood pressure, and both of these problems harm you and your kidneys. That's why kidney patients are prohibited from consuming it. The second vegetable is jackfruit: The effect of jackfruit is hot, which is considered fatal for the damaged kidney. Apart from this, more oil and spices are used in making jackfruit, which is harmful to the damaged kidney. Also, it is a bit difficult to digest jackfruit, due to which the problem of poor digestion persists. Therefore, for those who have kidney failure, its consumption is completely prohibited. Let us now know about the third vegetable, which is the mushroom: Mushrooms are prohibited for kidney patients because they contain high amounts of potassium, which is harmful to damaged kidneys. Apart from this, the amount of water is also high in it, and let us tell you that kidney patients also have to consume water in limited quantities, so they are advised not to consume it. The next vegetable is broccoli: Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, and calories, along with beta carotene, zinc, and selenium, which is harmful to damaged kidneys, Its consumption can increase the creatinine in your body, which can be fatal for kidney patients, so they should not consume it. Let us now know about the fifth vegetable whose consumption is completely prohibited for kidney patients, and that is peas: Peas are rich in protein, calories, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, which harm damaged kidneys. Consumption of peas can give you stomach-related problems, and let us tell you that the poor digestion of those with kidney failure can worsen their kidney. That's why kidney patients are prohibited from consuming it. So these are five such vegetables whose consumption can be harmful to kidney patients, so they should not consume them. That's all for today. I hope you like our given information. If there is any problem in your kidney, then do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in Ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney in any way. Ayurvedic treatment is completely natural which does its work in a natural way. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this. Karma Ayurveda gives you completely natural treatment which does not have any bad effect on your body and also keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplant. If you are in any problem related to kidney, and want better and better solution then you can contact Karma Ayurveda. More Videos at Kidney Disease Diet Playlist :    • Diet for Kidney Disease Patients   Ayurvedic Treatment Playlist:    • Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment Without Di...   Best Diet for Kidney Patients:    • Best Diet for Kidney Patients   Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Website: https://www.karmaayurveda.in/drappoin... Follow us on : Linkedin:   / karma-ayurveda-538a16122   Facebook:   / karmaayurvedatreatment   Twitter:   / karmaayurveda01   Pinterest:   / karmaayurveda01