Sunday Morning Worship, November 22, 2020
Christ the King Sunday and Thanksgiving Observance The Order of Worship Welcome to Worship Chiming of the Hour Prelude, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" arr. Tedd Smith and Don Hustad Introit, "Now Thank We All Our God" (NUN DANKET) Opening Hymn, "We Gather Together" (KREMSER) Sermon, Part I, "Grumbling and Complaining on Thanksgiving?" Old Testament Lesson, Numbers 11:1-10 Thanksgiving Prayer The Lord's Prayer Hymn of Response, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" (FAITHFULNESS) Sermon, Part II, "Worrying on Thanksgiving?" Gospel Lesson, Matthew 6:24-35 Offertory Hymn, "Rejoice, the Lord Is King" (DARWALL) Offertory Prayer Offertory, "For the Beauty of the Earth" by John Rutter Doxology (OLD 100TH) Sermon, Part III, "Giving Thanks In All Things" New Testament Lesson, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Hymn of Commitment, "Come, Ye Thankful people, Come" (ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR) Benediction Postlude Duet, "Let All Things Now Living" (ASH GROVE) Worship Leadership: Rev. Kelly K. Burkhart, Senior Pastor Mr. Edward Crowell, Director of Music Mr. Walter LaForge, Organist Ms. Eileen S. Crowell, Pianist Sanctuary Choir Ensemble: Krista Renée Pape, Patty Holley, Shannon O'Hara, Jonathan Moody, James Siarris, and Devin Moore Mr. Andy Helms, Technical Director Give your tithes and offerings here: www.baptisttemple.org