#oncehuman #七日世界 #powersurgecriticalpulseoncehumancrossbowbuild ENDGAME WEAPON CRITICAL PULSE POWER SURGE CROSSBOW BUILD WITH MASSIVE DPS 500K+ ONCE HUMAN 加入禿鷲幫的必備條件是發瘋? | Once Human 雪國人生 | #oncehuman #七日世界【ONCE HUMAN 七日世界】 新弩弓『臨界脈衝 』裝備測試,單人13分57秒 通關生命研究所,逆位坐牢刑期未滿 ONCE HUMAN,七日世界,逆位,戰爭,臨界脈衝,弩,弓,攻略,測試,新,武器,裝備,生命,進化,研究所,LEA,單人,無倒,通關 ONCE HUMAN - A new Friend! - WALKTHROUGH PART 51 #oncehuman once human,once human winter,once human way of winter,once human gameplay,once human guide,once human game,once human jaws,once human jaws build,once human jaws build pve,once human jaws pistol,once human de 50 jaws,once human de 50 build,once human best build,once human best weapons,once human best weapon,once human beginner guide,once human build,once human builds,once human highest dps,once human tips,best build once human,best weapon once human,mmo #OnceHuman,#OnceHumanGame,#SurvivalGames,#MultiplayerGaming,#PostApocalyptic,#StardustContamination,#NetEaseGames,#StarryStudio,#MetaHuman,#GamingCommunity,#OpenWorld,#PvEGameplay,#PvPGameplay,#AlienInvasion,#GamingVideo,#GameReview,#SurvivalAction,#OpenWorldSurvival,#GamingSetup,#GameWalkthrough once human solo lea,once human solo,once human pve,once human pvp,once human best pve build,once human critical pulse,once human critical pulse build,once human best build,best critical pulse build once human,once human new gun,once human new weapon,once human,best power surge build once human ONCE HUMAN,七日世界,逆位,戰爭,臨界脈衝,弩,弓,攻略,測試,新,武器,裝備,生命,進化,研究所,LEA,單人,無倒,通關 夜橘,實況,遊戲,game,stream,搞笑,NightTangerine,Night Tangerine,game play,Once Human,once human,雪,雪國,雪國人生,七日世界,mmorpg,自由,射擊,開放世界,生存,多人,克蘇魯,超自然,恐怖,末日後,世界末日,明日之後,血月,殭屍,異變體,方舟,森林之子,帕魯,自由度,openworld #oncehuman #powersurge #OnceHumanNewMeta POWER SURGE CROSSBOW NEW META HIGH DPS 400K+ CRITICAL PULSE BUILD & MODS GUIDE ONCE HUMAN In this video i will guide new meta build after 1.4 update first ibuild new weapon power surge crossbow critical pulse high dps 400k and mods guide ishow mods conversion blueprints conversion 5 star crossbow build i guide how to increase dps power surge crossbow damage crit damage weapon damage and how to increase dps critical pulse wish machine caliberation weapon build #parkourevent #oncehumancharactergenderchange #oncehumanupdate hamr,brahminy,once,human,oncehuman,bounce,build,turret,guide,gear,mod,mods,showcase,speed,speedrun,LEA,LAB,LEALAB,kumawink,kuma trigger count didn't work when I left, but it for sure does now. A bit rusty, still getting used to it, should prolly use wolf a lot more in short bursts or more turrets. ,once human tips,best build once human,best weapon once human,mmo once human,once human วิธีเล่น,once human สอนเล่น,once human สอน,once human ไกด์, Are you ready to dominate Once Human with an insane High DPS PvE build? In this video, we showcase the incredible MPS5 Kumawink Bounce SMG build, updated for the latest Bounce Update in Once Human! Perfect for new players, casual gamers, and anyone exploring the world of Once Human, this guide breaks down everything you need to unleash maximum damage and dominate every encounter. The MPS5 Kumawink SMG is the ultimate choice for fast-paced gameplay, offering unparalleled damage output and insane bounce mechanics that shred through enemies in PvE. We’ll dive deep into weapon mods, gear setups, and essential combat strategies to help you build the perfect loadout for your next adventure. Whether you're tackling silos, farming resources, or battling the Great Ones, this Bounce SMG build ensures you’ll always stay ahead of the curve. If you're searching for Once Human builds, high DPS SMG loadouts, or want to learn how to make the most out of the MPS5 Kumawink, this video is for you. Don’t forget to subscribe for more Once Human tips, tricks, and gameplay guides! Leave a comment with your thoughts on the Bounce Update! ⏰ Timestamps ⏰ 0:00 POWER SURGE CROSSBOW CRITICAL PULSE SHOWCASE 1:30 Dummy Test 3:12 CORSSBOW NEW META BUILD AT GEAR WORKBENCH 3:38 CROSSBOW POWER SURGE CHANGES + Explanation 4:24 In-depth HIGH DPS POWER SURGE CALIBERATION Explanation 5:30 Sharp Blade Pants Key Gear Explained 5:56 NEW WEAPON BUILD TEST 6:21 Gear Set + Key Gear 6:51 Armor Mods 7:59 Weapon Mod 8:05 Weapon Accessories 8:19 Calibration 8:32 Secondary + Melee 8:49 Cradle 14:10 Outro creat-ad4b1ea ____________________________________________________ #oncehuman #arrow #taiming #ONCEHUMANTAIMING #ONCEHUMANNEWEAPONBUILD #crossbow #CROSSBOW #HighDPSBuild #OnceHumanGameplay #ONCEHUMAN #POWERSURGE #POWERSURGECROSSBOW #powersurgecrossbow #xbow #XBOW #highdpsbuild #HIGHDPSBUILD #MODS #mods #oncehuman #oncehumanbounce #oncehumankumawink #oncehumankvdboom #oncehumanpve