CMA Inter (Old and New) | July 23 | Company Accounts | Mega Revision - Part 1 | Bishnu Kedia
CMA Inter (Old and New) | July 23 | Company Accounts | Mega Revision - Part 1 | Bishnu Kedia | Ranjan Periwal Classes Timecodes - 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:08:36 - Financial Statement of Companies 02:51:00 - Cash Flow Statement 05:29:00 - Issue of Shares 06:21:45 - Bonus and Right Issue 06:53:15 - Redemption of Preference share 07:44:00 - Buyback of shares 08:12:00 - Debentures 08:49:20 - Underwriting of shares and debentures Link to download the notes: https://telegram.me/rpccma/38 Link to download handwritten class notes: https://telegram.me/rpccma/39 Join our CMA Inter Telegram Channel to download notes (Channel Name - RPC CMA Inter): https://telegram.me/rpccma For enrolment, visit - https://www.ranjanperiwalclasses.com/... For queries, call on 9831827268 or mail us on [email protected] #cmainter #companyaccounts #bishnukedia #vishnukedia #ranjanperiwalclasses #rpc #companyaccountsrevision #ranjanperiwal #mayanksaraf