Cough | Causes & Treatment | Types of Cough | कफ /खासी के कारण और उपचार in Hindi by Health Education
Cough | Causes & Treatment | Types of Cough | कफ /खासी के कारण और उपचार in Hindi by Health Education ○ What we are going to discuss in this video ? ~ What is Cough and Types of cough ? ~ Causes and Treatment of Cough ? ~ Home remedies and healthy diet to cure Cough ? ~ कफ / खासी के कारण एवं उपचार ? ~ कफ / खासी क्या होती है ? ~ कफ / खासी को केसे ठीक करे ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • कफ / खासी क्या है? आयुर्वेद के अनुसार, खांसी वात, पित्त, कफ के असंतुलन के कारण होती है। अस्वस्थ भोजन, एवं जीवनशैली के कारण शरीर में वात एवं कफ दोष होने लगते हैं, इससे खांसी होने लगती है। खांसी मुख्यतः कफ दोष के कारण होती है। खासी निम्न प्रकार की होती है - ~ सूखी खासी ~ गीली खासी ~ समूह खासी ~ काली खासी ~ एलर्जिक खासी ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • What Is Cough? A rapid expulsion of air from the lungs, typically in order to clear the lung airways of fluids, mucus, or other material. Also known as tussis. The different types of cough are explained below - ~Dry cough ~Wet cough ~Croup cough ~Whooping cough ~Allergic cough { This video is just for educational purpose. In case of serious condition immediately consult with your Doctor } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To get more information regarding - ~ Pneumonia and Acidity in Hindi. You can watch our video by tapping on this link or you can visit our channel Health Education - • Pneumonia in Hindi | निमोनिया का कारण, लक्षण और उपचार | Pneumonia treatment by Health education - • Pneumonia in hindi | निमोनिया का कारण... • Acidity | Causes, Symptoms & Prevention | Acid Reflux | एसिडिटी | एसिड रिफ्लेक्स By Health Education - • Acidity Causes, Symptoms & Prevention... Channel Link - / @healtheducation5403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you like the video Subscribe my channel for more health related information and suggestions ❤️ Do Like, Share, Comment & Subscribe. #Cough #Coughinginhindi #typesofcough #wetcough #drycough #woopingcough #allergiccough #croupcough #Coughtreatment #homeremediesforcough #causesofcough #pneumonia #coughtreatment #healtheducationtalk #Healthtalk #throatinfection #mucuscough #breathingdifficulty #HealthEducation #allergy #flu #खांसी #सूखीखासी #गीलीखासी #समूहखासी #कालीखासी #एलर्जिकखासी #खासीकेकारण #खासीकेउपचार