Lego STAR WARS Day 21 Advent Calendar - This might be the droid you were looking for

Lego STAR WARS Day 21 Advent Calendar - This might be the droid you were looking for

Santa dropped off a little early gift for me, the 2020 Star Wars Advent Calendar! I'll be going through each small gift each day with you in a short clip to spread the holiday cheer. Day 1: A-Wing Starfighter Day 2: Festive Sweater Poe Dameron Day 3: Obi-Wan's Hut Day 4: Luke Skywalker Day 5: Razorcrest Day 6: Sith TIE Fighter Day 7: Sith Trooper Day 8: X-Wing(Luke/Rey's?) Day 9: Rise of Skywalker Rey Day 10: Santa D-0 Day 11: Millennium Falcon Day 12: Porg Day 13: Republic Cruiser Day 14: B1 CIS Battle Droid Day 15: Trade Federation Droid Control Ship Day 16: Anakin's Podreacer Day 17: Pit Droid Day 18: Snowspeeder Day 19: Red Nose Tauntaun Day 20: Hoth Shield Generator Day 21: Snowman Gonk Droid Music: Deck the Halls B by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: