The Miles Circuit | How to Help Labor Progress and Naturally Induce Labor on Your Own
Are you trying to do The Miles Circuit to help labor progress and naturally induce labor on your own? I FEEL YOU! Those last few weeks of pregnancy can feel like an eternity, I know you're ready to get that baby OUT. The Miles Circuit is a fantastic method to help labor progress and can help you naturally induce labor on your own fast! If baby is ready to come out, these tricks can help to give them the little push they need to make their entrance into the world. Credit to the original doulas who created this method, they have a downloadable PDF with additional guidance if you're looking for further resources: http://www.milescircuit.com This is the first video in a series I'm creating about how to help labor progress and naturally induce labor on your own. These tips and tricks will help to support a faster labor, optimal fetal position, engage baby head in pelvis, and are effective ways to induce labor at home. These proven ways to induce labor at home will hopefully help to get you one step closer to meeting baby! S H O P ☾My Amazon Store - https://amzn.to/3jUMGxw ☾My LiketoKnowIt Store - https://bit.ly/LTKharvestmoonnights Download my F R E E Home Birth Essentials Checklist here: https://bit.ly/2TiK12t I remember rounding out my 39th week of pregnancy and telling everyone and anyone "I'm so DONE"! If you're at that point, I totally feel you. I personally used The Miles Circuit during my pregnancy and within 4 hours my baby was in my arms, it was wild! The Miles Circuit Method is an effective way to induce labor at home and engage baby head in pelvis. If you're looking for a faster labor and optimal position for birth, watch how to do the miles circuit. M O R E V I D E O S ☾ My Home Birth Story as a First Time Mom - https://bit.ly/2yjZcRe ☾ How to Increase Your Milk Supply - https://bit.ly/34EaMmI ☾ Products to Make Nursing Easer: My Must Haves: http://bit.ly/2xbCU3D ☾ My Newborn Baby essentials 0-3 months: http://bit.ly/2PlRz2A ☾ What’s In My Diaper Bag 0-3 Months: http://bit.ly/38BY1db ☾ Postpartum Must Have Products: http://bit.ly/32b9RZG L E T 'S C O N N E C T! ☾ @harvestmoonnights C H A P T E R S 0:00 How to Do The Miles Circuit 0:43 How The Miles Circuit Works 2:55 When Should I Do The Miles Circuit? 3:15 Natural Labor Induction Series 4:00 Materials 4:52 First Position 7:16 Second Position 8:18 Third Position 9:25 Optimal Birthing Position C O N T A C T ☾ For potential collaborations and partnerships: [email protected] ☾ For doula services: [email protected] Disclaimer: All information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Please consult your provider or qualified medical professional for your specific medical situation. I am not a medical provider and do not offer medical advice, all information provided on this channel is for informational and educational purposes only and is subject to error. Links included in this description might be affiliate links, by using them to shop it is a free way to support me and my channel at no cost to you. Thank you for your continued support so that I can continue to provide you with free content every week!