How Did I Grow My Natural Hair So Fast?! (Finally Past Waist & Tailbone Length)

How Did I Grow My Natural Hair So Fast?! (Finally Past Waist & Tailbone Length)

Hey guys so today I am sharing my recent hair growth along with some BASIC tips of what I think is the most important foundation of hair care to achieve fast and healthy growth! My Hair Products (website): ❤️FOLLOW ME❤️ INSTAGRAM:   / shawntasway   ▼What I use to do my scalp massages WEBSITE: *NOT SPONSORED FTC: Some links are affiliated, which mean I make commission from the items that you purchase via my description box. I never refer you to products that I do not already love! Thanks so much for supporting me! ❤️ Healthy living is Beautiful! Be healthy! BUSINESS ONLY [email protected]