Sunday Service - Judges #12: "Hell On Earth..."  (Nov 27, 2022)

Sunday Service - Judges #12: "Hell On Earth..." (Nov 27, 2022)

Join Pastor Thom Braun in our current sermon series, "Judges". 0:00 - Intro 1:48 - "Freedom" 🎵 6:30 - Welcome 7:32 - "Graves Into Gardens" 🎵 13:10 - "Holy Spirit" 🎵 20:08 - Sermon 46:08 - Baptism 58:35 - "Egypt" 🎵 1:03:20 - Benediction If you want more info or want us to contact you, feel free to fill out the form below: https://newhopechurchniagara.breezech... For online giving, check out this link: