Breathing Exercise to Balance Hormones | PCOD & Thyroid | Boost Metabolism | Yogalates with Rashmi

Breathing Exercise to Balance Hormones | PCOD & Thyroid | Boost Metabolism | Yogalates with Rashmi

Tutorial video for Kapalahati:    • Kapalabhati | Pranayama | Basic Breat...   Tutorial Video for Ujjayi Breathing    • How to do Ujjayi Pranayama | Basic Br...   Tutorial Video for Anulom Vilom    • Alternate Nostril Breathing | Nadi Sh...   Website: Follow Rashmi on Social Media Instagram :   / therashmiramesh   Twitter:   / therashmiramesh   Facebook:   / therashmiramesh   CREDITS Direction, Camera, Sound & Editing: Malay Vadalkar #bhastrikapranayama #breathing #pranayamas #daily #yoga #rashmiramesh