Blink Shotgun Zer0 Shreds OP10! Borderlands 2 Zer0 UVHM Build, Gameplay And Guide

Blink Shotgun Zer0 Shreds OP10! Borderlands 2 Zer0 UVHM Build, Gameplay And Guide

Hello gamers! In this Borderlands 2 video game gaming video (by yours truly, Garnet Anarchist 3), we take a look at a shotgun Zer0 build I like to call Blink Shotgun Zer0. Zero the Assassin is very effective with shotguns in general (some might say he can destroy or shred even OP10 enemies), on all difficulties including Normal Mode, True Vault Hunter Mode, Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, UVHM, OP Levels, and OP10. In this video we take on Southpaw Steam and Power. Gear used: Jolly Roger, Unkempt Harold, Pimpernel, Badaboom, Blockade, Transfusion Grenade, Legendary Hunter COM, Bone of the Ancients. Thanks for reading good looking! Timestamps Intro 0:00 Gear 2:00 Skills 4:45 Gameplay 6:18