Kalu Madari Hindi Rhyme | कालू मदारी | Hindi Balgeet | Kids Channel India | Hindi Nursery Rhymes

Kalu Madari Hindi Rhyme | कालू मदारी | Hindi Balgeet | Kids Channel India | Hindi Nursery Rhymes

Apples and Bananas, the early learning app for toddlers and preschoolers, is here! Explore fun songs, interactive activities, educational videos, games, bedtime stories and more! 🎵📖 Kalu madari aaya Watch this Hindi Rhymes for Children; these Hindi Rhyme videos are sure to delight your Children. These collections of popular Hindi Rhymes are presented by Kids Channel India. Let us enjoy this “कालू मदारी “ Children Hindi Rhyme with catchy music will attract even babies and adult alike. Hope you liked our video, ‘SUBSCRIBE’ to us to be the first to know when we upload a new one! ‪@kidschannelindia‬ ‪@SuperKidsNetworkIndia‬