BiRTHDAY surprise for MOM!!  Adley & Dad decorate a Chocolate Cake and make Moms bday Party Poster!

BiRTHDAY surprise for MOM!! Adley & Dad decorate a Chocolate Cake and make Moms bday Party Poster!

we trick mom to leave the house so we can plan a SURPRISE PARTY!! LET'S BE FRIENDS -- HEY EVERYBODY!! IT'S MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY and my Dad and I have a really funny idea! We're going to trick mom and make her go get us some food! While she's out with Niko, Dad and I are going to make her a surprise birthday card and cake!! We recruited our friend Nick to bring everything over when mom was away! We got A LOT of stuff to make her birthday surprise perfect! We got 5 different types of frosting and sprinkles, we got a Giant poster board to make a card with, and we got a lot of new markers to make it beautiful!! First we got the posterboard out so we could make the perfect card! I wrote my mom and secret message in sticky note letters while my Dad colored some fancy words at the top! After I was done with my letters I drew my mom and special drawing of her birthday party while my dad drew the new baby girl and added some decorations!! While we we're making the card perfect the oven went off and the cake was done! Before we got the cake out we hurried and cleaned everything up so we could have a clean workspace! We got all of our cake decorations out and started to craft a great birthday cake! We mixed vanilla and chocolate frosting together to make oreo flavored cake and we used almost all the sprinkles! Mom I hope you like sugar!! After it was complete we had to hide everything so mom didn't see! I had the perfect place to store our surprises! We brought the cake and card to my room so I could hide the cake in my baby dresser and the card under my bed! I'm so ready to surprise my mom for her birthday! Happy Birthday MOM :) my last video - HOT LAVA Family Race!! Adley makes a new obstacle course at park with Mom & Dad (monster challenge)    • HOT LAVA Family Race!!  Adley makes a...   my dad's last video - NiKO gets his FiRST HAIRCUT!! Adley cuts her little brothers hair during our Family Spa Day inside!    • NiKO gets his FiRST HAIRCUT!! Adley c...   Bye vlog pshhhhh