Worship 8/21/2022 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Sanford, North Carolina

Worship 8/21/2022 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Sanford, North Carolina

Worship service for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, with Holy Communion and including a Blessing of the Backpacks and Work Bags. Music includes "Earth and All Stars," "Take, O Take Me as I Am," "Bless the Lord, My Soul," "How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord," "My Savior and My God," "For the Fruit of All Creation," and "Arise, Your Light Has Come." The sermon focuses on sabbath practice. Permission to reprint / podcast / stream music and texts in this service obtained from: ONE LICENSE, License #A 701697 CCLI Copyright License 11397882 Size A CCLI Streaming License 20477511 Size A