മുറ്റം നിറയെ റോസാപ്പൂവിന് ഈ അഞ്ച് കാര്യങ്ങൾ || 5 powerful Rose Plant Care Tips | How to grow Roses?
മുറ്റം നിറയെ റോസാപ്പൂവിന് ഈ അഞ്ച് കാര്യങ്ങൾ || 5 powerful Rose Plant Care Tips | How to grow Roses? #GardeningTips #LandscapingIdeas #UrbanGardening #OrganicGardening #GardenDesign #IndoorGardening #VegetableGarden #FlowerGarden #ContainerGardening #GardenDIY #SustainableGardening #BackyardGarden #GardeningHacks #GardenInspiration #GardenProjects #HerbGarden #Permaculture #GardenLandscaping #GardenDecor #GardenMaintenance #salukoshy #roseplantcare #Bestfertilizerrose #gardeningmalayalam #rosecare #rosetips #floweringtips #fungiciderose #nurseryrosecare #rosepropogation #roseplant How to care nursery rose plant/Rose adds colour and elegance just to every garden.In this video i will showing you rose gardening secrets tips for more blooms and organic fertilizer for rose plants.Hope you enjoy this video. ❤️🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 plants for sale Contact person -Anju Contact number -9947467977 All India Courier service available 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿❤️ ....................................................................... FOLLOW ME ON facebook- / salu-koshy-102011354598667 Instagram- / salu.koshy For Promotions WhatsApp no-9387788889 ............................................................... Best fungicide for Rose Plants:- How to care Rose plant in Rainy season • Best fungicide for plants 🌹🌿|How to c... Best Homemade liquid fertilizer for your plants|How to make Organic fertilizer • Best Homemade liquid fertilizer for y... How to grow and Care Rose plant/How to fertilize Rose/Complete guide/How to grow Rose bushy • How to grow and Care Rose plant/How t... Rose Plant Care:- Sunlight requirement of Roses: Roses love an open sunny space with no overhanging branches of trees. However, in the hot climate of summer, partial shade is helpful. Pot size for Rose Plant Rose, if grown in pots, would need containers 30-40 cm (12-16 inch) wide. It is helpful to re-pot them every year after removing old & dead roots. Plants may be changed after 3-4 years. Roses like to grow in good, fertile, well-drained soil with moisture retention capacity. Propagation of Roses In India, different varieties of Roses are grown by grafting and budding method, rather than planting stem or seed sowing. Eye budding (T-shaped budding) is the most common nursery method for growing various rose hybrids that are grafted over wild rootstock plant. Watering Roses Potted roses may be watered on alternate days in the summer or even every day. They need frequent good watering. Drainage Roses are susceptible to waterlogging. The leaves of potted roses turn yellow if proper drainage in the pots is not ensured. Pruning Roses In India, pruning of rose plants is done twice a year in late June & early December. Apart from removing weak & dead wood, prune up to about half of the growth of each branch of old plants. Fertilizers for rose plants Give preference to organic fertilizers rather than chemical ones. Bio-compost, Jaggery small piece,vermicompost or cow-dung manure is provided to plant twice a year after every pruning. Rose diseases and pests: Red Scales & dieback fungus are two primary diseases that affect the Roses in India along with Red Mites, Mealybugs, Powdery Mildew & Black Spots. Tips for growing roses with fruit, roses, how to,how to make,how to make rose branches with potato, rose plants growing tips, growing roses, rose plant care, how to grow roses, rose plant, rose garden, rose bush, tips for growing rose plant, grow rose easily, rose hacks, rose plantation, rose from cuttings, how to grow rose from cuttings, how to successfully grow roses, rose from stem cutting, growing rose cuttings, rose, rose from stem, rose tricks, rose tips, rose in water, english rose, rose varieties, desi rose, hybrid rose, gardening,easy way to grow rose from cutting, how to grow rose from cutting, how to grow roses, how to grow roses from stem cuttings, rose plant, grow roses from cuttings, rose flower, the one page, how to plant rose from cutting, easiest way to grow rose from cutting,ROSE, rose care, rose fertilizer, organic fertilizer, summer, terrace garden, rose garden, rose best fertilizer, seaweed, used tea, home made, termeric, fungicide, deadhead, pruning, watering, growing rose, rose food, sucker, rose sucker, shawrer, watering rose, summer rose, green net, stay safe, rose plants growing tips, rose hackes, hybrid rose, gardening, desi rose, english rose, growing rose from cutting, gulab, organic khad,garden up, ROSE, rose care, rose fertilizer, organic fertilizer, summer, terrace garden, rose garden, rose best fertilizer, seaweed, used tea, home made, termeric, fungicide, deadhead, pruning, watering, growing rose, rose food, sucker, rose sucker, shawrer, watering rose, summer rose, green net, stay safe, rose plants growing tips, rose hackes, hybrid rose, gardening, desi rose, english rose, growing rose from cutting, gulab, organic khad