Spawn won't be in Invincible Season 3, Episode 7.

Spawn won't be in Invincible Season 3, Episode 7.

In today's video, we're discussing the significant change in Invincible Season 3 Episode 7, "The Invincible War." Fans were anticipating a battle between one of the Evil Invincibles, known as Viltrumite Mark, and Spawn, a scene from the comics where Mark reflects on his past encounters with Spawn. However, in the trailer for Season 3 Episode 7, Spawn has been replaced by Wolfman. This isn't the first time we've seen changes like this. We also didn't get Spider-Man in Season 2, and it's looking like Firebreather might not make an appearance either. On a positive note, we're excited to see Tech Jacket officially featured in the series and the Image comic character Brit will be appearing in future episodes! Stay tuned as we explore what these changes could mean for the series! #invincibleseason3 #invincible #omniman