Your Top 10 Questions Answered by Dr Amit Chakraborty | Oral Cancer Q&A
For any queries, contact us at the given number or visit our website! Contact:- 7304622350 Website:- https://cancersurgeon.co.in/ ___________________________ Dr Amit Chakraborty (Consultant surgical oncologist, Mumbai) provided responses to the most typical queries viewers had on oral cancer. Question & Answer no 1: 0:20 Can I get my jaw repaired or reconstructed? The best and most ideal time to have jaw restoration and rehabilitation done is at the time of the initial operation. If your surgery was performed one or two years ago and you later decide to have your jaw rebuilt, in some cases the patient's jaw will be removed along with the joint. Jaw reconstruction after one or two years is very challenging because if you don't have a joint, you must create an artificial joint and make a joint jaw. This increases the patient's risk of their jaw dislocating while they are eating. Question & Answer no 2: 1:40 My tongue has had 70% of it removed; may I obtain an artificial one? We can fit an artificial tongue if the patient's tongue has had more than 30% of it removed. The positives of this include a high standard of living and no speech difficulties, while the drawback is the loss of taste perception. Question & Answer no 3: 2:13 Should stage 2 oral cancer patients receive chemotherapy? Only if the margins are positive in stage 2 is chemotherapy administered. Only at stage 4B of head and neck cancer is chemotherapy addressed. Chemotherapy is only administered to people whose cancer has spread to an advanced stage and needs to be shrunk. Chemotherapy is not routinely used in stage 2 cancer. Question & Answer no 4: 2:40 Does using a mobile device increases the chance of developing salivary gland cancer? However, it has been seen that brain tumours are rising as a result of various rays that interfere with our cerebral function. Using a mobile device does not enhance the risk of salivary gland cancer. Question & Answer no 5: 3:14 I have oral cancer and also have blisters in my mouth and nodules in my neck, so what tests should be Done? 1. Mouth CT Scan (Paranasal sinuses) 2. Neck CT Scan (CECT Neck) 3. Chest CT Scan (Thorax CT Scan) Question & Answer no 6: 3:38 What is the survival rate of thyroid cancer and how much is it? The thyroid cancer Survival Rate depends on the type of thyroid cancer, whether it is well-differentiated or poorly differentiated. Question & Answer no 7: 4:20 Which is G2 Moderately Differentiated Cancer? The biopsy report which is given as moderately differentiated, poorly differentiated or well-differentiated cancer, doesn't tell the stage of cancer, it tells the type of cancer and it's aggressiveness. Question & Answer no 8: 5:00 Can Oral Cancer or Mouth cancer spread from one person to another? No, Oral or mouth cancer is never spread from mouth to mouth or saliva Question & Answer no 9: 5:15 Can early-stage cancer recur? Yes, early-stage cancer can recur when the early-stage cancer was operated on and if its margins were not taken adequately. Question & Answer no 10: 5:51 Is there a treatment for Leukoplakia? We give curative treatment to such Patients for one month, but we feel that their Leukoplakia is not healing, so we remove it with a laser. To learn more, watch the entire video. Subscribe to my channel for more such informative videos. 📌 Share this video with your family & friends! ______________________________ Watch the Related videos! 1. जानिए कैसे हुआ तंबाकू से हुए कैंसर का इलाज | Successful Mouth Cancer Treatment • जानिए कैसे हुआ तंबाकू से हुए कैंसर का... 2. बिना इलाज के कब तक जिंदा रह सकता है Head Neck Cancer patient? • बिना इलाज के कब तक जिंदा रह सकता है H... 3. Can people without a tobacco addiction get throat cancer? • Can people without a tobacco addictio... 4. Survival Rate of Throat Cancer • Survival Rate of Throat Cancer | गले ... 5. Signs & Causes of Throat Cancer • Signs & Causes of Throat Cancer | Thr... ______________________________ Follow us on : Website: http://www.cancersurgeon.co.in/ Facebook: / amitscancercare Instagram: / amitcancercare LinkedIn’: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-amit-c... #amitcancercare #cancer #headandneckcancer #cancersurgeon #cancercare #cancerdiagnosis #cancersurvivorship #cancersurvivor #mouthcancer #FAQ #dramitchakraborty